Conferences and Talks
Keynote Session, IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things(GCIOT) 2015
Delivered a keynote talk on "Consumer Centric IoT: The Need for Standardization", during IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things 2015 (ICGCIoT 2015), Greater Noida, India,8th -10th October 2015. The conference was jointly organized by Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology (GECT) and several IEEE societies. A great discussion on consumer-centric aspects on delivering IoT services. Key take-way was about IoT standardization, a never-ending circle, and how it needs a continuous paradigm to support the consumer needs. Joining me Dr Katina Michael, from University of Wollongong, Australia spoke about "Justifying Uberveillance - The Internet of Things and the Flawed Sustainability Premise", an eye-opener on how one perceive technology.
Panel Discussion on Consumer Centric Internet of Things (CCIoT), International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2015), Las Vegas, 9th-12th January 2015
Delivering technical talk on Internet of Things (IoT), IET-IEEE Day, Stamford College, 2013
Presenting the topic on Internet of Things (IoT) standardization. IoT is going to be a trend setter in the coming years.